32.5 Gallons - Black
13.5 Gallons - Black
For aquariums 50-100 gallons
40-70 gallons
For aquariums 20-45 gallons
For aquariums 10-30 gallons
For Reef Aquariums
36"-46" - For Reef Aquariums
24"-34" - For Reef Aquariums
48"- 60" - 59w
36"- 46" - 46w
24"- 34" - 32w
15"-24" - For Reef Aquariums
15"- 24" - 22w
24"- 36"
For Marine & Reef Aquariums
Up to 30 US Gal (115L)
Up to 50 gal
3 x 45g disposable cartridges